Organization Contacts
Instructions to create a contact metadata record for an organization
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Instructions to create a contact metadata record for an organization
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Click the plus (+) sign by Contacts.
Specify the contact is an Organization.
The Contact ID will be auto-generated by mdEditor.
The following fields are available for Organization Contacts:
Organization Name (Required): The organization's full name; avoid acronyms for clarity However, abbreviating United States as U.S. is acceptable. Example: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Contact Type (Required): Enter the contact type from the picklist. Contact type allows for search and discovery of collaborative projects and products.
Member Organization (Best Practice): Organizational contacts can be associated with their parent organization and more than one organizational contact may be included. For example, Rainbow Falls National Wildlife Refuge is part of the National Wildlife Refuge System which is part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Phone Number (Best Practice): Add the phone number for the main office.
Email Address: Add a generic email address for the organization, if available.
Physical Address (Best Practice): Enter a physical address for the organization's office.
Online Resource (Best Practice): Add a web URL to the organization's official web presence. Online resource may also include social networks.
Logo: Add on organizational graphic image here.
To add a logo, drag-n-drop an image into the online resource entry within the logo editing window. Alternatively, provide the url of the desired image. mdEditor limits the size of logos to 50kb.
Available Time: Add the organization's office hours.
If you upload a logo to your contact record, you must include a filename for the logo. Otherwise, an error will occur n the metadata records that include that contact.
For more information, consult the Organization Contacts section of the mdEditor manual.